Paper requirements
Authors are invited to provide abstracts and/or reports with the description of their original research presenting new results, ideas and applications on relevant topics. Abstracts (in Russian or English) and reports (in English) can be sent via the personal account of the conference participant after registration on the website in accordance with the specified requirements.
Instructions for Authors
The expert committee evaluates and selects submitted reports. Reports, that at the time of submission are under review or have already been published or accepted for publication in another journal, conference or other print and electronic media, will not be considered.
All reports must comply with the conference's plagiarism policy. Plagiarism in all its forms is unethical and unacceptable behavior, which leads authors to be barred from participating in the conference. The author must ensure when submitting the report that it does not contain defamatory or illegal statements.
The author must include all sources in the bibliography at the end of his report.
Pictures, whose acceptable formats are TIFF, JPEG and EPS, must be supplied with high resolution digital ones.
The organizing committee is not responsible for correcting errors in grammar or spelling.
Expert Review Approval Process:
1) The author sends the abstract and/or the paper through the online submission system on the website after registration.
2) The abstract and/or report will be checked by the expert from the selected section within 1-3 working days. All abstracts or papers with poor content and unrelated sections will be rejected.
3) We will inform you about the results of the examination by e-mail specified during registration. The author will be asked to edit his abstract or paper and resubmit it via the personal account of the conference participant after registration if the expert will have any questions.
4) All authors, whose abstracts or papers have been accepted, can pay the registration fee and submit the final documents (report and presentation).
5) After the conference the organizing committee submits reports to the IEEE/RSCI.
Abstract structure:
Please, observe the following order when writing the abstract: title, author names and affiliations, annotation, keywords, introduction, main text, conclusions, bibliography.
Title: be concise, accurate and informative. All words in the title, except for the service parts of speech, must be written with a capital letter. Titles are often used by search engines and information retrieval systems. They should contain words that readers might be searching for. Avoid abbreviations and formulae where possible.
Author names and affiliations: provide the full name, affiliations and contact details for all authors. Present the authors’ affiliations and contact details below the names.
Annotation: a concise statement (maximum 150 words) of the aims of the research, the work carried out and the conclusions. The abstract must be self-contained. Do not include general or background information.
Keywords: include up to eight keywords and they should describe the content of the article and include key phrases for the subject area. All listed keywords must be used in the text of the paper. Avoid general terms.
Main text.
Conclusions: give a concise summary of the important findings. The conclusions must not contain information that does not appear elsewhere in the paper.
Bibliography: provide a complete list of the literature cited in the paper tailored to the journal’s readership.
The organizing committee reserves the right to reject papers that do not meet the requirements specified above.
Paper structure:
Please, observe the following order when writing the paper: title, author names and affiliations, annotation, keywords, introduction, state-of-art, results and discussion, conclusions, appendices, bibliography.
Title: be concise, accurate and informative. All words in the title, except for the service parts of speech, must be written with a capital letter. Titles are often used by search engines and information retrieval systems. They should contain words that readers might be searching for. Avoid abbreviations and formulae where possible.
Author names and affiliations: provide the full name, affiliations and contact details for all authors. Present the authors’ affiliations and contact details below the names.
Annotation: a concise statement (maximum 150 words) of the aims of the research, the work carried out and the conclusions. The abstract must be self-contained. Do not include general or background information.
Keywords: include up to eight keywords and they should describe the content of the article and include key phrases for the subject area. All listed keywords must be used in the text of the paper. Avoid general terms.
Introduction: a summary of current knowledge including a literature survey of previous work in the field, together with a statement of the aims and motivation of the present work. Experimental methods: the methods employed must be described in sufficient detail to allow others to repeat the work. If a detailed description is given in a reference, readers must be able to grasp the principles of the method without referring elsewhere. Full details must be given of materials and equipment used.
State-of-art: show the current state of knowledge and current developments in the field of research, including a discussion of the results of recent research activities (including engineering and scientific developments).
Results and discussion: presented together or as separate sections. Papers must critically discuss and interpret the results, not merely describe the findings. Duplication of data in tables and pictures is strongly discouraged, as is excessive use of figures: representative or significant results should be selected. Additional information may be provided as supplementary data.
Conclusions: give a concise summary of the important findings. The conclusions must not contain information that does not appear elsewhere in the paper.
Appendices: use to provide additional information, tables or mathematical derivations. References in appendices should be combined with those in the main text into a single list. Tables and pictures are numbered A1, A2, A3, ...
Bibliography: provide a complete list of the literature cited in the paper tailored to the journal’s readership.
The organizing committee reserves the right to reject papers that do not meet the requirements specified above.